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Creative Beginnings Child Development Centers
Parent Handbook

Creative Beginnings

Child Development Centers

  WEST                                              EAST   
1965 Office Parkway                                                      1222 North Drive

    Mount Pleasant, MI 48858                                               Mount Pleasant, MI 48858
(989) 773-2222                                                             (989)779-5555

Fax (989) 773-2227                                                      Fax (989)779-5543

Email michele@creativebeginningscdc.org                       Email info@creativebeginningscdc.org

Michele Colores - Executive Director





Creative Beginnings Child Development Center is dedicated to providing high quality early childhood care and education by creating a safe, nurturing environment in which children develop a positive self-image, respect for others, and a meaningful sense of the world around them.

Specific Goals of the Program

·    To foster discovery, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving by engaging children in developmentally appropriate activities that promote their social, physical, emotional, and intellectual growth to meet the objectives of The Creative Curriculum.

·    To stimulate each child’s curiosity and interest in learning by providing opportunities for them to explore and experiment with various materials in open-ended activities.

·    To support families in an educational program that meets the needs of each child based on his/her individual interests and talents.

·    To welcome and encourage family participation within our program by volunteering in our classroom and attending our parent advisory committee meetings

·    To assess each child’s progress using the Teaching Strategies Gold Objectives for Development and Learning.

·    Teacher conferences will be scheduled twice per year or as requested by a parent or guardian.


Caring for Individual Children’s Needs and Cultural Differences

            Creative Beginnings respects the unique qualities, abilities, and potential of each child and strives to meet the individual needs of all children by applying current knowledge and research in the field of early childhood education to guide curriculum that best supports each child in a barrier free, inclusive environment. Staff will screen each child with the Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ3) developmental screening tool and assess each child using the Teaching Strategies GOLD Child Assessment tool. All staff are trained annually on inclusion and special needs as well as cultural sensitivity and diversity. Teachers use a variety of strategies and materials in their classroom planning to incorporate the needs of each child and their cultural background. Focus will be on not only the cultures of our families in care, but also our community and the city in which we live. Information gained from observing, screening, and assessing the children will be used to share any concerns about developmental delays or other special needs with families in a sensitive, supportive and confidential manner providing them with an explanation for any concerns, suggested next steps and information about resources for more formal assessment and service. Staff facilitate and enhance interactions to help children understand each other’s differences. Creative Beginnings respects and values the diverse cultures of all of our families and ensures every child will learn in an inclusive environment that is supportive of the families’ diverse language and cultures.



Creative Beginnings welcomes all families and enrolls children between the ages of 6 weeks and 12 years old.

Calendar and Hours of Operation

Creative Beginnings is open year round from 6:30am-6:00pm Monday through Friday. The center is closed on January 1, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas. There will be NO fee reduction when a holiday occurs on a day that your child(ren) are regularly scheduled for child care.  Additionally, the center may be closed between Christmas and New Years with charges only assessed for the 2 holidays. In the event of severe weather conditions, the center reserves the right to make adjustments to the schedule to ensure the safety of all children and staff.


Tuition and Fees


Age 0-1 yr                   1 day/week = $47                   2 ½ yrs-6         1 day/week = $43                                                                               2 days/week = $94                                          2 days/week = $86

                                    3 days/week = $141                                        3 days/week = $129

                                    4 days/week = $188                                        4 days/week = $172

                                    5 days/week = $230                                        5 days/week = $210

                                    Hourly drop-in = $8.00/hr                               Hourly drop-in = $6.75/hr


1 yr-2 ½ yrs                 1 day/week = $46                   School Age    $35/day

                                    2 days/week = $92                                          weekly $170/week

                                    3 days/week = $138                                        hourly  $5.75/hr

                                    4 days/week = $184

                                    5 days/week = $225

                                    Hourly drop-in = $7.75/hr


Any day reserved on a regular basis by a full or part time child must be paid for even if the child is absent.  Drop in children will be accepted on a space available basis with prior scheduling. A two week notice is required for any permanent changes made to the original child care agreement. A $35 registration fee will be assessed annually on your child’s date of continuous enrollment. A late pick up charge will be assessed at $5/child for the first 10 minutes past closing and $1/minute per child thereafter.


Families have the option of paying on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis. Tuition payments must be paid in full by Monday at closing or the first day your child is in care for the current pay period. A late payment fee of $10/week may be assessed to accounts that are past due. Accounts that are more than 2 weeks past due may be subject to termination of services. Accounts that are 4 weeks delinquent will be sent to a collection agency. A $35 fee will be charged for returned checks. A 2 week notice is required for withdrawal from the center. If a 2 week notice is not received, the family’s account will be charged the full tuition amount per child for the two weeks.


Vacations, Holidays, and Sick Days

Each child will receive a week of vacation at the end of every continuous 6 month period based on their regular schedule.(For example: a child enrolled 3 days per week would receive 3 vacation days at the end of each continuous 6 month period.) These may also be used as sick days when a child is absent or for paid holidays and may be used individually or in blocks. Please inform the center if your child will be absent or has a change in their schedule as well as whether or not you will be using vacation days. Tuition will be charged for holidays and absences that occur on any day the child(ren) would normally be in attendance with the exception of earned vacation days.

Enrollment Forms

Each child must have on file:

·      A current emergency information card updated annually

·      A current immunization record signed by a health care provider and updated as needed

·      A current health statement signed by a health care provider updated annually

·      Permission signed by parent annually for center staff to apply sunscreen, diaper cream, lotions, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, teething gels, or any other over the counter medication supplied by the parent in the original container

·      Permission for center staff to administer prescription medication in the original container with the date, dose, and child’s name clearly labeled

·      Photograph waiver

·      Signed and dated contract

Illness Policy

Please inform the center when your child will be absent due to illness. Staff will visually monitor for signs of illness daily and children will not be permitted at the center with the following symptoms:

·       Fevers of 101 degrees F or greater – children must be without fever for 24 hours before returning to the center or come with a signed and dated note from a physician’s office confirming the child is not contagious

·       Vomiting or diarrhea in the past 12 hours

·       Uncontrolled coughing or wheezing, breathing difficulties, poor food or fluid intake

·       Discharge from the eyes – children must be on antibiotic drops for 24 hrs or come with a signed and dated note from a physician’s office confirming the child is not contagious.

·       Thick yellow or green discharge from the nose

·       Generalized rashes- must be evaluated by a health care provider and confirmed to be non-contagious before returning to the center with a signed and dated note from a physician’s office

·       Bacterial infections such as strep throat, pink eye, impetigo, or other skin infections - must be on antibiotic for at least 24 hrs before returning to the center

·       Chicken Pox - may not return until sores are dried up or come with a note from a physician’s office confirming the child is not contagious.

·       Lice, ringworm, or scabies

·       Is unable to participate in program activities with reasonable comfort

·       Requires more care than the program staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children in care

Creative Beginnings Child Development Center will post notice of any communicable disease reported among children who were in attendance while contagious. The notice will include the date of exposure, symptoms, and incubation period.


If it is necessary for your child to take medicine at school please notify your child’s teacher. Parents must sign and date a form giving permission for staff to administer the medication. Medications must be in the original container and clearly labeled with the date, child’s name, dosage, and expiration date. Medications requiring refrigeration must be in the original childproof container and stored in the refrigerator. Staff administering the medication will document the date, the time the medication was administered, the dosage, and sign his/her name.

Injuries/ Incidents

A report is written for parents to sign for all accidents and incidents. Staff will determine the severity of an injury. In the case of minor cut staff will treat with icepack or band-aid. In the event of serious injury or illness, the caregiver who is present at the time of the accident will determine if 911 should be called. Another caregiver will get the director or person in charge and she will notify the parents, ensure that an incident report is written for parents to sign, and make appropriate reports to the Department of Human Services.

Behavior Guidance

Behavior guidance will be constructive, positive, and appropriate for the development of each child. All staff at Creative Beginnings will model desired behaviors, arrange classroom environment to promote acceptable behavior, and use positive reinforcement when appropriate behavior is occurring. The following strategies may be used to help guide children’s behaviors:

·        Role modeling-showing the children appropriate behaviors

·        Redirection-substituting a positive activity for a negative one

·        Distraction-changing the focus of the activity or behavior

·        Active Listening-listening to the children’s evaluation of the problem and allowing them to come up with solutions on their own before intervening.

·        Positive and gentle reminders of clear and consistent rules developed in conjunction with the children

·        Allowing for logical or natural consequences that will not compromise the health or safety of the children

·        Separation from the activity or the group-when other methods have been unsuccessful and the behavior of the child may be dangerous to his/herself or others. The child will be permitted to join the group when (s) he decides (s) he is able to behave appropriately. We do not refer to this separation as “time out” or a predetermined amount of time, but as a way to allow the child to determine the amount of time (s)he needs to regain control if his/her behavior and rejoin the group or activity.

At NO time will any staff be permitted to withhold food, drinks, sleep or outside time as a form of discipline nor will children be threatened in any way by verbal, physical, or emotional punishment. The staff will work together with parents to address persistent behavioral concerns. The director will oversee any parent/teacher conference concerning continuous negative behavior. If the center is not meeting the specific behavioral guidance needs of a child we will seek outside support for the child, family, and classroom staff. If the family opts to remove the child from the center, 2 weeks notice must be given in writing.


Field Trips and Outings

We will take frequent stroller rides and walking field trips around the neighborhood that may not be preplanned, however, we may plan field trips away from the center that require transportation by car or ICTC. These trips will be planned well in advance and staff will inform parents accordingly. A consent form signed by a parent is required before transporting children. Appropriate car seats and seat belts will be used whenever children are transported by automobile.

Toys From Home

Toys may be brought from home only if your child is willing to share the toy and it is understood there is always the possibility the toy could be lost or broken. An exception to this rule may be a special blanket or stuffed animal for naptime. Toys with educational value are highly recommended if a toy must be brought from home. We ask that children refrain from bringing any toys or books that encourage aggressive behavior.



Infants will be given the opportunity to form their own patterns of sleeping. All children requiring a nap will be given the opportunity to rest.


Controlling Infection and Universal Precautions

Staff will minimize the spread of illness by wearing gloves when handling any bodily fluid including urine, feces, blood, vomit and nasal discharge. Practicing good health and proper hand washing. Teaching the children good health practices such as proper hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes into elbow, using tissues when needed and discarding contaminated material appropriately.





Creative Beginnings Nutrition Plan - Meals and Snacks

Creative Beginnings Child Development Centers participate in the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) serving nutritious meals and snacks that are prepared on site to children 1-13 years old as well as iron fortified ready to feed Enfamil infant formula provided by the center and single ingredient infant cereals and infant fruits, vegetables, and meats for children 0-1 year. Parents may choose to decline the formula provided by the center and provide their own breastmilk or other formula. There is a private space for mothers to nurse or pump at the center if they choose. Infants are fed on demand and are offered baby cereal, baby food, and table food only when parents have introduced those foods at home first.  Daily sheets are given to parents of infants and toddlers that include what, when, and how much the child ate during the day. Children 1-13 years old eat at the following times:

Breakfast:  served 8:30am-9:30am


0-5 months

6-11 months


4-6 fl oz breastmilk or formula

6-8 fl oz breastmilk or formula

0-4 tbsp infant cereal, meat, fish, poultry, whole eggs, cooked dry beans or peas; or 0-2 oz cheese; or 0-4 oz (volume) cottage cheese; or 0-4 oz yogurt; or a combination*

0-2 tbsp vegetable, fruit or both*

·         Required when infant is developmentally ready.

Breakfast Meal Patterns                  


Ages 1 – 2

Ages 3 – 5

Ages 6 – 12 & 13 – 18


½ cup

¾ cup

1 cup

Vegetables and/or Fruits

¼ cup

½ cup

½ cup


½ oz eq*

½ oz eq*

1 oz eq*

·         Meat and meat alternatives may be used to substitute the entire grains component a maximum of 3 times per week  

Lunch:  served 11am-12pm


0-5 months

6-11 months


4-6 fl oz breastmilk or formula

6-8 fl oz breast milk or formula

0-4 tbsp infant cereal, meat, fish, poultry, whole egg, cooked dry beans or peas; or 0-2 oz cheese; or 0-4 oz (volume) cottage cheese; or 0-4 oz yogurt; or a combination*

0-2 tbsp vegetable, fruit or both*

·         Required when infant is developmentally ready.

Lunch Meal Patterns


Ages 1 – 2

Ages 3 – 5

Ages 6 – 12 & 13 – 18


½ cup

¾ cup

1 cup

Meat and meat alternates

1 oz

1 ½ oz

2 oz


1/8 cup

¼ cup

½ cup


1/8 cup

¼ cup

½ cup


½ oz eq

½ oz eq

1 oz eq*


Snack:  Served 2:30-3:30


0-5 months

6-11 months


4-6 fl oz breastmilk or formula

2-4 fl oz breastmilk or formula

0-½ bread slice; or 0-2 crackers; or 0-4 tbsp infant cereal or ready-to-eat cereal*

0-2 tbsp vegetable, fruit or both*

Snack Meal Patterns


Ages 1 – 2

Ages 3 – 5

Ages 6 – 12 & 13 – 18


½ cup

½ cup

1 cup


½ cup

½ cup

¾ cup


½ cup

½ cup

¾ cup


½ oz eq*

½ oz eq*

1 oz eq*

2 of the 5 components for are served for snack.

·         Weekly menus are posted outside or inside each classroom as well as on the Creative Beginnings Website & closed Facebook pages of the classrooms.

·          Meals are served family style to all children over 1 year who are enrolled and present during the meal time. Staff members sit with the children to them to learn about healthy eating habits as well as model appropriate behavior and social conversations at the table.

·          Accommodations are made for children requiring special diets due to food allergies and religious or personal beliefs. Cheese, beans, or eggs may be substituted for meatless diets; chicken, cheese, beans, or eggs may be substituted for pork or beef restrictions.  Soy milk or rice milk may be substituted for cow’s milk. We do not serve anything with nuts and monitor all food and treats brought in by children. Any child with food allergies or special dietary requirements must have a signed statement to request Special Meals And/Or Accommodations on file with listed foods to omit and suggested substitutions.


Nutrition Education

Creative Beginnings offers information to parents on a variety of topics including healthy eating habits, proper nutrition, and the importance of exercise and stress reducing activities. This information may be sent home with children, posted in the centers, on classroom newsletters, and classroom Facebook pages, or presented in parent meetings. The information may come from resources such as:


USDA Nibbles For Health: Nutrition Newsletters for Parents of Young Children


Child and Adult Care Food Program


Let’s Move


Sesame Street


My Plate Resources – Nutrition.gov


My Plate 5 Food Groups Nutritional Graphic


My Plate Food Guide – Kids Health






Food Handling

·    Food preparation and eating areas will be sanitized before and after meals using separate wash, rinse, and sanitizing solutions

·    Sanitizing solution for surfaces and eating areas must be mixed daily if using bleach solution at Approximately 1 tablespoon bleach to 1 gallon of water (general disinfecting)

·    All food preparation and handling will be done in a safe and sanitary manner

·    Perishable food will be kept in the refrigerator or freezer until opened. Any unused portion of perishable food that has not been served on the tables will be labeled with contents and date and stored in airtight containers or bags in the refrigerator

·    All non-perishable food will be labeled and stored in airtight containers or bags in cupboards

·    Premixed or ready to feed formula bottles for infants will be provided by parents, clearly labeled with the child’s name and date and brought in daily. Formula remaining in the bottle at the end of a feeding will be discarded. Unused bottles will be sent home or discarded at the end of the day. Empty bottles will be rinsed out and sent home for parents to wash and sanitize

·    Baby food will be served in a separate dish. Open baby food jars will be labeled with the child’s name and date and stored in the refrigerator. Any unused portion will be discarded after 36 hours. If baby food is served directly from the jar any remaining food will be discarded immediately

·    All solid waste will be disposed of in garbage containers with waterproof liners and covered with lids. Garbage containers will be emptied at the end of each day or when full. Bags of waste will be taken to the outside dumpster at the west end of the parking lot.


Hand Washing

·    All staff and children must wash their hands after personal use of the toilet

·    Before and after preparing or handling food

·    After changing a diaper, wiping a nose, or contact with any bodily fluids

·    After contact with any contaminated surfaces

·    Whenever there is any doubt about the necessity for hand washing


Hand washing procedure:

Ø Turn on water

Ø Wet hands with water first

Ø Apply soap

Ø Wash thoroughly for at least 30 seconds including wrists, palms, backs of hands,
between fingers, around nails and nail beds

Ø Rinse thoroughly with running water

Ø Dry hands with single use paper towel

Ø Use clean paper towel to turn off faucet then discard paper towel

Ø Alcohol based hand sanitizers may be used for decontaminating hands on field trips
 or other times when running water is unavailable










Cleaning and Sanitizing

·    Toys that have been mouthed by children or have come into contact with other contaminations must be removed immediately and sanitized using separate wash, rinse, and sanitizing solutions or run through sanitizing cycle in the dishwasher

·    All other toys will be sanitized weekly

·    Food preparation and eating areas will be sanitized before and after meals using separate wash, rinse, and sanitizing solutions

·    Sanitizing solution for surfaces and eating areas must be mixed daily if using bleach solution at Approximately 1 tablespoon bleach to 1 gallon of water (general disinfecting)

·    Cribs, mats and cots will be sanitized weekly using separate wash, rinse, and sanitizing solutions. If a crib or cot is used by more than one child in a week it must be sanitized between each child sanitized using separate wash, rinse, and sanitizing solutions

·    Sheets may be kept on crib mattress if the same child is using it all week. If a crib or cot is used by more than one child the bedding must be removed and placed in a basket/bag/or cubbie with the child’s name and stored with mats/cots or in the infant room and the crib/mat/cot sanitized between uses

·    Bedding will be washed weekly or when soiled

·    All cleaning supplies will be kept out of reach of children in the laundry room


Toileting and Managing Bodily Fluids

Parents must provide diapers and wipes for children who are not toilet trained. The staff will work with you and your child when the time to begin potty training arrives, however, we will not formally begin potty training for any child under 18 months. It is best to wait until your child is interested AND showing clear signs of readiness.


·      Children in diapers and pull-ups will be changed/checked at least every 2 hours and immediately when soiled.

·      Parents will provide diapers, pull-ups and wipes.

·      Infants will be changed on the diaper changing counter in the crib room and diapers will be disposed of in a lined, covered diaper pail.

·      Wobblers and Toddlers will be changed in their classrooms on changing tables and diapers will be disposed of in lined, covered diaper pails.

·      Children who are toilet training will be changed in the bathroom on a changing table and diapers will be disposed of in a lined, covered diaper pail so that wet/soiled diapers are inaccessible to children

·      All surfaces used for diapering will be sanitized using separate wash, rinse, and sanitizing solutions

·      Sanitizing solution for diapering must be mixed daily if using bleach solution at approximately ¼ cup bleach to 1 gallon water (diaper/ toilet).

·      Staff will be taught about Universal Precautions to minimize the spread of illness and will wear vinyl gloves when handling any bodily fluids.

·      Any absorbent material contaminated with bodily fluids will be put in a plastic bagged, tied and labeled if sent home, or put in a plastic bag, tied, and disposed of in a lined covered garbage container.









Creative Beginnings is staffed by the Director and five full-time Lead Teachers with Bachelor’s degrees or working toward a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Family Studies, or other related field. The teachers will be assisted in the rooms by at least 1 full or part time teacher assistant based on required ratios set forth by the Department of Human Services at any given time and may have additional help from CMU students, MMCC students, or MPATC students enrolled in early childhood classes. Parent and community volunteers are always welcome in the classrooms as long as the experience is positive for everyone involved. All staff and regular volunteers (including parent volunteers) have been screened for criminal history through the MI State Police and for child abuse through the Department of Human Services Central Registry. No volunteer or visitor (including parents) will be left alone with any child other than their own. All staff are mandated to report suspected child abuse or neglect to Child Protective Services.  



All staff must complete 24 clock hours of training annually


Ø Staff will be trained in the following areas including but not limited to:

*    Curriculum Planning and Implementation                    *          Child Development

*    Primary care giving                                                      *          Child Guidance

*    Bottle Feeding/Nutrition                                               *          Food Handling

*    Cleaning and Sanitizing                                                           *          Diapering

*    Universal Precautions and Blood Borne Pathogens      *          Safe Environments

*    Illness Identification                                                    *          Handling Medication

*    SIDS/ Safe Sleep for Babies                                        *          Shaken Baby Syndrome

*    Emergency Preparedness/crisis management               *          First Aid/ CPR 

*    Abuse/ Neglect Response and Reporting                                 *          Record Keeping

*    Observation/Documentation/Assessment                                 *          Cultural Diversity/Inclusion


Integrated Pest Management Plan

Creative Beginnings Child Development Center is required to post notice of pesticide application prior to any applications made on the building or grounds. If pesticides are to be applied, a notice will be posted on the main entrance door and a copy of the notice will be sent home with your child. Mid Valley Pest Control is the company that handles any pesticide applications for Creative Beginnings West Child Development Center.  Al Wood is the person in charge of pest control and can be reached at 773-0691. If you would like further information on pesticides, you may call the Dept of Agriculture at 1-800-292-3939 or search on line at www.mi.gov/mda. Pesticides will not be applied during program hours. Children will not use spaces indoors or outdoors where pesticides have been applied for a minimum of 4 hours after the application, or longer if required by the pesticide label use directions. Questions regarding pesticide application at Creative Beginnings West Child Development Center can be directed to Michele Colores-Program Director at (989)773-2222.


Parent Notification of the Licensing Notebook Requirement

Child Care Organizations Act, 1973 Public Act 116


All Child care centers must maintain a licensing notebook which includes all licensing inspection reports, special investigation reports and all related corrective action plans (CAPs).  The notebook must include all reports issued and CAPs developed on and after May 27, 2010 until the license is closed.

·    This center maintains a licensing notebook of all licensing inspection reports, special investigation reports, and all related corrective action plans.

·    The notebook will be available to parents for review during regular business hours.

·    Licensing inspection and special investigation reports from the past two years are available on the Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing website at www.michigan.gov/michildcare.


Parent Resources


·    Emergency                                                                 911

·    Poison Center                                                1-800-222-1222

·    Child Protective Services                                (855)444-3911

·    Health Department                                         (989)773-5921

·    Non-emergency Fire                                       (989)779-5100

·    Non-emergency Police                                    (989)773-5951

·    Michele Colores

(Executive Director-Creative Beginnings)            (989)513-3932 or 773-1590

·    McLaren Central Michigan Hospital              (989)772-6700

1221 South Drive

Mount Pleasant, MI 48858

·    Community Mental Health                             (989)772-5938

·    American Red Cross                                       (989)539-0200

·    Child Advocacy Parenting Classes                 1-800-552-4489

·    Early on                                                           (989)773-5921

·    CMU Speech and Hearing Clinic                   (989)774-3904

·    Gratiot/Isabella RESD                                    (989)875-5101

·    Isabella County Child Advocacy Center        (989)773-6444

·    Department of Human Services                      (989)772-8400

·    Center for Children, Families,

      and Communities                                            (989)774-6639

·    Regional Preschool Partnership                      (844)492-7707

·    EightCAP Community Services                     (989)772-0110

·    Michigan Helping Hand                                 2-1-1








A copy of the State of Michigan Department of Human Services Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing rules for child care centers is posted on the main bulletin board. Additional information may be found at www.michigan.gov/michildcare



 Creative Beginnings Child Development Center is dedicated to giving your child loving care and educational opportunities in a safe, nurturing environment. We believe that open communication is vital to accomplishing this goal, so please feel free to talk with your child’s teacher or the director at any time.









Creative Beginnings Child Development Centers


As of _____________________, the Creative Beginnings Child Development Center agrees to provide child care services for the following named child(ren):


              _________________________________                            ________________

                           (Printed Name of Child)                                         (Date of Birth)


             __________________________________                     ________________

                           (Printed Name of Child)                                         (Date of Birth)


             __________________________________                     ________________

                           (Printed Name of Child)                                         (Date of Birth)


___________    $35.00 Annual Enrollment Fee

___________     Weekly                     $                     

___________     Biweekly                  $                     

___________     Monthly                    $                     



Child Care Organizations Act, 1973 Public Act 116

Michigan Department of Human Services

This center maintains a licensing notebook of all licensing inspection reports, special

investigation reports and all related corrective action plans.

The notebook will be available to parents for review during regular business hours.

Licensing inspection and special investigation reports from at least the past two years are

available on the Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing website at


Non-Discrimination Statement

Non-Discrimination Statement

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) (http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html) online, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: program.intake@usda.gov. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


Upon signing this agreement, the parent or legal guardian and the child care facility agrees to abide by all of the policies and provisions contained in this contract and within the parent handbook.


I have received the Parent Handbook and have read the above statements issued by Creative Beginnings Child Development Centers



Parent/Guardian Name          ____________________________               


Parent/Guardian Signature     ____________________________                Date    ___________


Parent/Guardian Name          ____________________________               


Parent/Guardian Signature     ____________________________                Date    ___________


Child Care Representative


            Signature                     ____________________________                Date    ___________